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Services Offered in Gulet Rental

Rental Guide
Rental Guide - Services Offered in Gulet Rental
Rental Guide
11 January 2024
Services Offered in Gulet Rental

Gulet rental is a popular option for those who want to travel at sea, often for holidays or special events. Gulets are generally wooden, large and comfortable boats. These boats, which are frequently seen on the Mediterranean and Aegean coasts of Turkey, are an excellent option for those who want to take a blue cruise.

By renting a gulet, you can have pleasant experiences at sea, such as waking up in different bays in the morning, enjoying the sea all day long, and watching the sunset in the evening. Gulets generally have 4 to 12 cabins and can accommodate a large group or family. Additionally, many gulet rental companies offer special entertainment activities and water sports.

Gulet rental is an ideal option to have an unforgettable holiday experience with your loved ones and discover the unique beauties of the sea.

Required Equipment for Gulet Rental

It is mandatory to have the appropriate number of life jackets for everyone on the gulet. These vests can save lives in emergency situations and allow you to travel safely at sea. In addition, sunglasses and a hat are among the equipment that will protect you against the harmful effects of the sun.

Additionally, equipment such as a waterproof phone case, first aid kit and navigation devices are important items you should have with you when renting a gulet. These equipment can help you in any adverse situation at sea and make your trip safer. Thanks to this equipment, you can fully enjoy your gulet rental experience.

Boat Cleaning and Organizing

Boat cleaning helps maintain a hygienic environment and arrange the items on the boat in an orderly manner. Additionally, cleaning and organizing makes the holiday more enjoyable.

Daily cleaning is important to combat elements such as salt, sand and moisture found on the boat. During this process, special cleaning materials should be used and a detailed cleaning should be done in every area on the boat. It is also necessary to arrange items regularly and clean the equipment used. When you rent a gulet, all this is done by professional hands.

Boat cleaning and organization should be done by an experienced crew. An experienced team can perform effective cleaning and organization in every area of the boat. In this way, you can have a comfortable sea voyage by providing a hygienic and orderly environment on the boat.

Food and Beverage Services

One of the most important issues in the gulet rental process is food and beverage services. Many gulet rental companies offer their customers specially prepared menus according to their needs. This way, you can enjoy delicious and fresh food even when you are at sea.

However, beverage services are also an indispensable part of gulet rental packages. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverage options are offered, and guests' special requests are also taken into account. In this way, guests can enjoy the drinks they want.

Food and beverage services during the gulet rental process are extremely important for a comfortable and enjoyable sea holiday. Thanks to these services, guests can experience an unforgettable sea adventure with their loved ones without worrying about food and drinks.

Boat Tours and Guidance Services

When you plan to have a sea holiday, boat tours and guidance services are very important. Receiving professional guidance services on which route you will travel, which bays you will stop at and which activities you will participate in will make your sea holiday more enjoyable and trouble-free.

Boat tours are sea travels that are usually carried out on certain routes and organized to explore different bays. These tours are usually carried out with an expert guide and participants are informed about the natural beauties, historical and cultural riches of that region. Boat tours are usually organized in groups and different activities and events may be offered during the tours.

Guidance services are services offered by professional guides who accompany participants during boat tours. These guides can often be local people of the area or expert tourist guides. Thanks to guide services, participants can have detailed information about the region they visit, participate in cultural events and discover the hidden beauties of the region.

Water Sports And Entertainment Activities

During a gulet charter tour, you can have a holiday full of water sports and entertainment activities. These activities include many options such as swimming, snorkeling, water skiing, pedal boating and fishing. A gulet rental tour will definitely be the right choice for holidaymakers who want to have a holiday full of these activities.

Swimming is one of the most enjoyable and popular activities of gulet charter tours. Swimming in the Aegean and Mediterranean bays, famous for their crystal clear waters, will be an unforgettable experience for holidaymakers. In addition, there are also snorkeling opportunities for those who want to explore the underwater world. In this way, you can have the opportunity to see coral reefs, fish and other marine creatures up close.

Apart from this, activities such as water skiing and pedal boating are also offered in gulet rental tours for water sports enthusiasts. In addition, fishing enthusiasts are not forgotten and there are also fishing opportunities for holidaymakers. Gulet rental tours offer a wide range of services for holidaymakers who want to have fun with these activities.

Special Services Offered in Gulet Rental Packages

You can make this experience even more unforgettable thanks to the special services offered in gulet rental packages. Gulet rental companies offer different packages to suit the needs of their customers. These packages allow customers to customize and personalize their holiday experience.

Sailing gulet rental packages offer various special services in addition to basic needs such as transportation, accommodation, food and beverage. For example, facilities such as spa services, delicious meals prepared by private chefs, private guide services, and water sports activities are among the special services offered in gulet rental packages. If you want to make your holiday unforgettable by renting a gulet, you can benefit from all these services.
