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Turkey Holiday Guide

Turkey Holiday Guide

Imagine an endless holiday with the most beautiful shades of blue on one side and pine green on the other… The yellow of the beach and the blue of the sky are accompanied by the intermingling. Many places in Turkey compete in beauty, but when it comes to the Aegean and Mediterranean coasts, no one competes with their uniqueness. It attracts countless tourists from all over the world, especially in the summer season when the heat is at its peak. For this reason, the coasts of the Aegean and Mediterranean are always kept in a special place while preparing a Turkey holiday guide.

Especially when the summer months come, social media posts are often shared with feet covered in sand and sun leaking through the beach umbrella. This shows that most people's holiday preferences are related to the sea, sand and sun triangle. But there are some holidays that present this triangle in a unique way. Boat holidays within the scope of the blue cruise are indispensable in this geography.

Holiday in Turkey

When the words holiday and Turkey come together, the images of the long golden beaches and the deep blue sea come to life in memories. With this magnificent feature, Turkey hosts nearly 30 million people every year. Especially the different features of the Aegean and Mediterranean coasts require seeing them all. While the weather is more humid and warm in the Antalya region, the smell of pine forests increases as you go north, and the sea becomes clear. The shores of the Mediterranean covered with citrus trees extend to the shores of the Aegean surrounded by olive trees. Each coast has its own history. That's why wherever you see a Turkey holiday guide, there is an image of the sea, sand and sun on the cover.

Top 5 Destinations in Turkey Vacation Guide

The Aegean and Mediterranean coasts, which also witnessed the ancient times, are in the constant route of many holiday lovers. For this reason, these shores attract the most domestic and foreign tourists every year. The most famous and popular holiday destinations all over the world are:

1. Bodrum

Bodrum has not lost its popularity for centuries. Turkey holiday guide leader and one of the most popular holiday destinations in the Aegean Sea. The availability of air, land and sea transportation makes this region popular. But Bodrum is a holiday destination in itself. Dozens of bays and beaches, lively nightlife makes Bodrum popular. It is a must to visit this city as part of the blue cruise.

2. Marmaris

Welcome to Marmaris, the unique geography where pine forests meet the sea… Marmaris is usually one of the frequent stops of blue cruises. Marmaris offers a unique holiday experience with its numerous "bent", that is, small bays, Selimiye and Turunç. Its calm but lively bazaar and lively nightlife welcome guests who enjoy every style.

3. Fethiye

With olive and pine trees on one side, curved shores, long beaches and always soft air, Fethiye is one of the most popular destinations in Turkey's holiday guide. Because those who want a quiet holiday pay special attention to this region. It is very difficult to explore this point, where the Aegean connects with the Mediterranean, by road. For example, to go to Kabak Bay, you have to cross a mountain. Boat enthusiasts, on the other hand, cannot give up Gocek and Fethiye bays. These bays attract thousands of tourists, including the world's most famous business people and artists.

4. Antalya

If a Turkey holiday guide is being prepared, it would not be possible without Antalya. The beaches stretching for kilometers, the most beautiful of sand, sea and sun are here. It also has a great wealth of touristic facilities. It is not a coincidence that one out of every three tourists coming to Turkey prefers this place. The inner city metropolis is a tourist center. Each of the districts offers a semi-touristic pleasure.

5. Çeşme- Alaçatı

Çeşme and Alaçatı are an indispensable holiday destination due to their proximity to İzmir and the airport. These regions are definitely on the route of boat enthusiasts. Especially the wind preferred by surfers is here. The lively city life and entertainment life is a big attraction.

A Vacation That Those Who Taste Can't Give Up Again: Blue Cruise

The most popular places in the Turkey holiday guide are always the places where the sea, sand and sun are abundant. But the choice of holiday is also a matter of preference. Those who like crowded places cannot give up Bodrum or metropolitan tourism centers. Conformists choose all-inclusive holidays with all kinds of fun and amenities. Some leave themselves in the arms of nature with a tent. However, it is possible to see and experience all of the most popular holiday destinations mentioned above at once. The way to do this is through the blue cruise. Yacht and gulet charter service, which has gained popularity in recent years, offers a completely different experience.

This holiday method is different from the usual holidays. You do not have to choose a single holiday destination with the Blue Cruise. With the route you set, you can see all the most popular holiday destinations at once. Moreover, this holiday on the sea allows you to meet with beauties that you cannot see in other holidays.

Enjoying the sea in clear and glassy bays, water sports, luxurious and comfortable accommodation, and personalized chefs offer services that hotels cannot offer. It For this reason, the blue cruise should be evaluated separately while making a Turkey holiday guide. Because no holiday for those who have experienced this experience is the same as before.

Advantages of Yacht Tourism

Tourism on the sea, which is newly developing in Turkey, is the choice of those who give special importance to their holiday. Because this holiday is the way to feel special. There are many differences that distinguish yacht tourism from others. The most important of these is that you determine the route yourself. You can spend as much time as you want in the most beautiful bays. During the rental period, the yacht moves according to your wishes. Special chefs prepare the dishes you want. Whenever you want, you can approach the shore and experience the atmosphere of different cities. At night, you fall asleep in the calm of the sea. A holiday on the sea offers a completely different experience in a completely different routine.

Is the Personnel Trained in Yacht Charter?

When it comes to tourism, the most important issue is personnel. Because the most critical area of the service sector is tourism. For this reason, it is important that the personnel in this field are professional and friendly. When the Turkey holiday guide is prepared, the staff should not be forgotten. Because people want to get special service especially during holidays.

Personalized service is only possible with boutique service. However, those who want to receive attentive service, especially during their holidays, prefer exclusive services. Private yacht tour is one of them. Because with yacht charter, the service also becomes personal. During your holiday, the captain takes us wherever you want within your route. Your cook prepares the dishes you want. Moreover, you do not have to wait in line while receiving these services. The personnel in the yacht charter field are trained to provide the best service and gain experience in this field.

What are the Differences Between Hotel Accommodation and Yacht Service?

There are numerous tourism facilities included in the Turkey holiday guide. Turkey, which has a lot of experience in tourism, has a voice in the world with its facilities and trained manpower. Especially the Aegean and Mediterranean coasts are full of numerous tourism facilities. When it comes to holiday in Turkey; hotel vacation is the choice of most people. Those who enjoy SPA, game pools and collective activities prefer hotels. But the crowd and the layout of the hotel do not fit with the holiday concept.

For this reason, those who prefer quiet and private holidays choose private yachts. Because the calmness here is not found anywhere else in the world. Those who want to get rid of the classical holiday concept find salvation in the sea. Because discovering new places and having different experiences with water sports every time makes the holiday more enjoyable.

Is it possible for a holiday to be luxurious, comfortable and economical?

With the development of the maritime industry, it became possible to produce floating comfort areas. Moreover, this comfort combined with luxury turned into yachts or gulets. Productions that should definitely be included in the Turkey holiday guide were made. There are large rooms where everyone can feel comfortable, large living areas and enough sunbathing areas for everyone. You can do many activities from jet ski to skiing. It allows groups to come together or large families to have a special holiday. Many services are offered as standard, from Wi-Fi connection to television broadcasting. In this way, guests who do not want to leave the world can also carry out their business from the sea. Those who want something different for their holiday in Turkey can experience yacht charter.

Frequently asked Questions

Here are the answers to some of the frequently asked questions about Turkey, holidays and yacht holidays in Turkey:

What are the Holiday Alternatives in Turkey?

One of the best countries to choose for a holiday is Turkey. There are numerous options for accommodation. The most striking one among the Turkey holiday guide is the yacht holiday. Many world-famous people prefer Turkey's blue route. If you are planning a different sea, sand and sun holiday in Turkey, yacht charter is a good alternative.

Where to Take a Summer Vacation in Turkey?

The bluest of the sea, the lowest of the beaches, the deepest of forest scents is possible with a holiday in Turkey. Especially when it is preferred for summer, Aegean and Mediterranean coasts are indispensable in Turkey. You will witness the wonderful meeting of coves, clear sea and pine forests that follow each other. All of these coasts of Turkey offer unique holiday experiences. But it is almost impossible to enjoy these shores by road. For this reason, those who take a yacht holiday witness this experience.

What Is The Best Blue Route in Turkey Vacation Guide?

It is possible to realize the holiday riches of this country with the blue route. These coasts, which should be included in the Turkey holiday guide, can only be explored by yachts, gulets and boats. Unique bays starting from Bodrum and continuing to Datça, Selimiye, Marmaris, Ekincik, Göcek, Fethiye, Kaş and Antalya are included in the tours. It is very difficult to find such a route anywhere else in the world.

Is Yacht Charter Expensive for Vacation in Turkey?

Offering a holiday paradise stretching from the Aegean to the Mediterranean, Turkey is also rich in facilities. There is an accommodation method that appeals to every budget on these shores.However, those who want to make their holiday at a higher level can be included in the all-inclusive systems of the hotels. However, as an alternative to such a holiday, a yacht holiday can be preferred. You can find gulets, boats or yachts suitable for the holiday budget. There is no big difference between the hotel capacity and the quality of service received.

Where is the Most Preferred Holiday in Turkey?

Tourism is one of the most important sectors in Turkey. A large part of this sector is formed in the Mediterranean and Aegean coasts. When the Turkey holiday guide is examined, these regions have a large share. One out of every three tourists coming to Turkey prefers the Antalya region. Bodrum is always at the top of the list. But there are many tourism options in the country. You can choose a blue cruise to avoid making a choice by sticking to one place. In this way, you can include all popular places on your route.

How Many Days Does Yacht Charter and Blue Cruise Last?

Those who want to have a different holiday experience explore the shores by yacht. But tourism is a subject that requires expertise. Especially yacht rental should not be considered as a car rental. If you are planning a yacht holiday, you should first focus on services. For a perfect holiday, first of all, service quality is important. To take your holiday experience to the next level, is with you! There are countless options here that will allow you to discover many places that fall into the Turkey holiday guide. Our team, who wants to offer the best holiday experience, is waiting to serve you.
